Australian Indigenous Art

Australian Aboriginal dot painting, acrylic on canvas, signed "Lucy" #AGKC90 ~ 49" x 43"


Australian Aboriginal dot painting, large, acrylic on canvas, signed "Lucy" Acquired in 2001 from the private collection of dealer Tony Bond, Adelaide, SA

The dreaming is not known but appears to be an initiation ceremony, with roundels representing sacred meeting places or waterholes. U-shapes symbolize people seated around the roundels with various implements. The "chains" between roundels may represent tracks traveled by the clan members in the ceremony.

This is a very large canvas that would dominate a wall (or room). The signature does not include the surname of the artist, suggesting she was well known by her first name at the time. Possibly Lucy Kennedy Napaljari.

In a post-purchase email conversation with Tony Bond, he opined that the painting was from Utopia (or Yuendumu), based on its "style". He was unable to be more precise because of the passage of time. Additional attempts to attribute the painting through email contacts have been unsuccessful.

Recent online investigations lead us to believe the artist who created this painting was Lucy Kennedy Napaljari based on stylistic and palette similarities. We always welcome additional input from anyone, anywhere.
49" x 43" #AGKC90

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